Wednesday 28 March 2012

An Update on Helen

Just three weeks ago when you last saw Helen the hedgehog she looked like this:

Recovering after the removal of ticks, a grass seed from her eye and a full exam

Today she was picked up by one of our fosterers and looked like this:

Weighing a massive 775 grams

What a difference three weeks can make.

This evening she will discover she has regained her freedom and her release site is this purpose built enclosure. The door will be left open, so she can wander in and out. Also a bowl of food and water will also be left out and the bonus is if she decides she's not quite ready she can stay at long as she likes.

And yes it is a huge as it looks!

We're keeping fingers crossed Helen the hedgehog bumps into Harry, who spent a pampered winter in the same enclosure and a little magic happens. 

We'll keep you updated.    


  1. What a wonderful hedgehog palace!

  2. Some of our carers really go all out to care for 'thier' hedgehogs.

  3. Aw, how lovely to see her looking so fit and healthy again!
